It all starts with a little faith...
The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.' (Gen. 2:18)
I come from a middle class family with religious values....
we are from the middle class family. god fearing family. We....
Praise the Lord! basically come from a Hindu family, parents....
i come from my upper middle class family.i m a character of....
Praise the....
Praise the lord !!! I am vennila completed BE(CSE). Right now i....
love ur neighbor as ur....
she is very good in nature....
I have completed by bsc nursing.working as a nurse in vellore.....
God fearing, fair, annointed, Involved in children's....
Looking for a god fearing person, remaining will tell you....
Good & god fearing Present working....
She is brought up in a good family environment. She is god....
My daughter is very simple, god fearing girl with respect for....
I come from a middle class family. I love reading and....
Our daughter is a God fearing simple girl. We come from a....
she is god fearing girl , open minded and....
my family hindu.i am only accepted jesus....
Comlpleted her BTech in Computer Science. Works for an IT....
Good & God fearing....
Hey, since there is a max character restriction, let me make....
A Simple girl looking for a partner who would fit in through my....
Most important thing in my life is jesus. am doing childrans....
B.E in , Chennai, working in Coimbatore, SPIRITUAL....
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