A bullock cart with heavy load gets stuck in slush. Instead of hitting the oxen the rider...
Early churches were hidden in catacombs or in caves, but from the 4th century onwards they were...
James chapter 3 gives some insights to Christian Leadership. Here, I would want to bring in two...
Jesus said that a kingdom, city or house that is divided against itself would not stand (Mt.12:25)....
Often when we think of Martha the picture that comes to our mind is of a woman...
The term ‘Disciple’ is often used by Apostle John to designate the group of ‘twelve’ chosen by...
Since time immemorial humans have forged relationships with the “other”. Whether, it was to marry, to live...
There are many people who are very talented in specific areas, however if we approach them to...
Life today is complex. There are so many options available to people that everyone wants the best....
God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and...