We are called to ‘encourage one another and build each other up’ (1 Thess. 5:11.) The spiritual uplift of the present generation of Christians depends upon contemporary writings – only if Christian writers would pen them!
The pen is mightier than sword but only when it is used! The written word is important. This is why we have even the Word of God in written form today with us. Had St. Paul not written down his Epistles, probably we would not have been a group like this today. Almost all the early Church Fathers were prolific writers.
These writings are a valuable treasure for the Bible students today. These writings give us invaluable information about the Lord Jesus and His disciples, Bible exposition, early Church-history, insights into the New Testament world and even different manuscripts of the Bible. The church reformers and most of the Christian pioneers were also committed writers.
They have left back thousands of volumes of books, full of the best in expository material. The twentieth century has seen a sudden explosion of Christian writing. While most of this writing originates in the western countries, the real church-growth is taking place in the non-western countries. It is high time that more and more of Christian authors from these countries started dedicating their pens to serve their own people. Christian writings are very important for the present generation.
The new Christians can find here the teachings necessary for their growth. Those who are struggling can find assurance; doubting ones reassurances; and growing ones food for yet more growth. Before they can find these blessing, someone has to write the material for their spiritual blessing. In India we need good edifying Christian literature to uplift the Indian Church.
We need people who can take responsibility to write. We are those servants who were given many talents by the Lord for ‘occupying till He comes,’ we should be wise and not burry the talent hastily as the servant did – ‘But the man who had received the one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money’ (Matt. 25:18). Perhaps you, my reader, have been called for this task. You might be shocked on reading this and might say, “Me?
A writer! No, I am not all that talented”. True, you might not be as talented as Isaac Asimov who used to author one book per month, but you are not devoid of writing abilities. If you read books/magazines regularly, and if you are regular in reading your Bible, and if you ever speak/discuss with others on any topic, then you have sufficient qualifications to write. Of course you might not have training, but that can be acquired if you have the will to write. What is more important than training is a desire and commitment to write. Consider this! Perhaps what the Indian church needs is your writings. Make a decision today, and put your pen to paper!
Author: Dr. Johnson C Philip is Ph.D in Quantum Physics. His website is apologeticswiki.com