Here is the spell-checked and grammar-corrected version of the terms provided:
Subject to revision by YTMatrimony from time to time
[Applicable for Paid and Free Services]
Date: 02/02/2023
Dear User,
- You / User: Any visitor to this website, registered or otherwise, including both paid and free registered users.
- YTM: YT / Yetra Thunnai (English: My Best Companion).
- Law: Refers to laws in force in India, as enacted by the Indian Parliament and the Legislatures of Indian States and Union Territories.
Welcome to YT (herein referred to as YTM).
This document is an electronic record under the Information Technology Act, 2000, and the associated rules. It pertains to electronic records and has been amended as applicable. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.
This document is published in accordance with the provisions of Rule 3(1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011, which mandate the publication of the rules and regulations, privacy policy, and terms and conditions for accessing or using (the "Website").
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully, as your use of the Website and associated YTM Services (as defined below) is subject to your acceptance of and compliance with them, including any applicable policies incorporated herein by reference and amended from time to time (the "Terms and Conditions").
Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before proceeding. By impliedly or expressly accepting these Terms and Conditions for the use of the Website, YOU also agree that YOU have read, understood, and are bound by these Terms and Conditions, regardless of how YOU subscribe to or use YTM Services. If YOU do not wish to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, YOU must not use the Website or the YTM Services.
The Website acts as a platform enabling any user to register themselves (by filling in mandatory and optional fields, if applicable) to voluntarily search for profiles from the database of YT Matrimony’s ["YTM"] already registered users to seek prospective lawful matrimonial alliances. YTM retail stores may also assist you in creating your profile; however, you must have a valid/operational mobile phone number and email ID.
YTM Members are provided free/paid access to search profiles in the YTM database, as per the partner preferences set by YOU (on the Website). YOU can shortlist prospective alliances yourself.
1. Eligibility
a) YTM Membership and rights of admission are reserved solely for:
- Indian Nationals & Citizens
- Persons of Indian Origin (PIO)
- Non-Resident Indians (NRI)
- Persons of Indian Descent or Indian Heritage
- Persons intending to marry individuals of Indian Origin
b) As a YTM member, you confirm that:
- You are 18 years or older (if you are a woman) or 21 years or older (if you are a man) [See Chapter VI - Law Commission of India].
- You are legally competent to marry under applicable law (although you may register on our Website by indicating "Awaiting Divorce" or "Applied for Divorce").
- You are not prohibited or prevented by any applicable law from entering into a valid marriage.
2. Registration
a) We expect that YOU will complete the online registration process with fairness and honesty when providing personal information to the YTM Website. The efficiency and effectiveness of matchmaking through our automated system depend on YOU furnishing true, accurate, current, and complete information (including photos). Please read the relevant sections carefully before filling in the details, selecting options, or uploading photos.
- Avoid errors: Do not enter details in incorrect fields or repeat them in unrelated sections.
- Responsibility: You alone are responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of the information provided to YTM.
- Additional details: If required, YTM may request further information to serve you better.
b) If at any time YTM becomes aware that the information provided by you (including photos) is untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete, YTM reserves the right to suspend or terminate your membership (without notice) and forfeit any membership fees paid.
c) YTM Membership is strictly limited to individual members registered on the YTM Website. Organizations, companies, businesses, or individuals operating in similar or competitive industries cannot become members of YTM, nor can they use YTM Services or access member data for commercial purposes. YTM reserves the right to take legal action for such violations.
3) Role and Responsibility of YTM
a) YTM Website endeavors to help YOU find a life partner (prospective match) through automated searching, shortlisting, and contacting among our registered members.
b) YTM Website reproduces your details, once YOU register, on an "as-is, as-available" basis. It may also share your profile with other registered members within the YTMEML consortium of websites.
c) YTM Website's obligation is solely to provide an interface for registered members to search for prospects independently without third-party assistance. YOU agree that the system-generated search results on YTM Website are based only on profiles of registered members.
d) YTM Website's automated system matches profiles among registered members based on partner preferences set by each member.
e) Search results are automatically generated based on the partner preferences YOU set. If you modify these preferences, the automated search results will adjust accordingly.
f) YTM Website cannot guarantee or take responsibility for any specific outcomes or results from the use of its data or services, including those offered via consortium websites of YTMEML.
g) YTM Members agree and acknowledge that YTM Website may allow third parties to offer services on its platform. YTM Website may also facilitate payment collection on behalf of these third parties.
4) Role and Responsibility of YTM Members
a) For broader protection and efficient matchmaking, YTM Members must ensure the confidentiality of their username and password.
b) Members must provide any additional data required by YTM Website to use the platform effectively.
c) If a YTM Member updates their partner preferences, automated system-generated search results may reflect these changes.
d) YTM Members should exercise due diligence when shortlisting and selecting prospects, including verifying details such as family background, marital status, education, financial status, character, and health.
e) To ensure accuracy, YTM Members are encouraged to upload a recent photograph (no older than 90 days). Using outdated or false photos will be treated as a violation of these terms and conditions.
f) Members must disclose health-related information (e.g., pre-existing conditions, physical disabilities) when registering. Failure to do so may result in membership suspension under Clause 2(b).
g) Members must refrain from:
- Engaging in financial transactions with prospects.
- Sharing confidential or personal data, including bank details or passwords.
- Entering into a physical relationship with any prospect before marriage.
- Violating any applicable laws.
- Mentioning other matrimonial services while communicating with prospects.
h) Members should remain cautious of prospects who display suspicious behaviors, such as using multiple phone numbers, refusing in-person or video meetings, or excluding family and friends from discussions.
i) To maximize the benefits of YTM Website, members should log in regularly, send expressions of interest, and review/respond to communications received from prospects.
j) While using the platform, members must adhere to the Website’s terms, including privacy settings and features like instant messaging or viewing social/professional profiles on platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn.
k) Membership is non-transferable and exclusive to the individual. Transferring accounts will be considered a breach of terms under Clause 2(b).
l) If there are changes in the information shared during registration, members must promptly update YTM Website. Failure to do so may result in membership suspension.
m) Members are requested to inform YTM upon their marriage to allow YTM to delete their profile.
5) Customer Care / Customer Service
If YOU encounter any issues or concerns with our services, please contact us:
- Email ID:
- Contact No.: +91-9206426692
- Address:
YT Matrimony and Events Management LLP
#232, 5th Cross, H.R.B.R Layout, 3rd Block,
Behind Hennur Bus Depot, Bangalore - 560043
6) Communication with YTM Members
a) YTM Members consent to receiving communications, including promotional messages, via email, SMS, or calls from the consortium of portals owned by YTMEML or its partners.
b) Members confirm that the mobile number provided is not registered under the "Do Not Disturb" registry. Even if it is, members consent to receiving calls/messages from YTM for service purposes.
c) Members may customize their communication preferences (e.g., receiving updates only on weekends or fortnightly). They may also opt out of promotional calls while agreeing to receive communication from Relationship Managers for shortlisted profiles.
7) Confidentiality
a) YTM Website employs reasonable measures to maintain the confidentiality of personal information shared by members, except for data intended for sharing with prospects.
b) By using YTM Website, members grant permission for their data to be processed via automated systems to provide suitable matches based on their preferences.
c) Feedback provided to YTM Website will be treated as non-confidential. By submitting feedback, members confirm that:
- The feedback does not contain confidential or proprietary information.
- Members have no expectation of confidentiality or compensation for their feedback.
8) Privacy of Membership
YTM Website has implemented safeguards to protect personal data. However, no online transaction is entirely secure, and YTM cannot guarantee absolute protection against unauthorized use. Members are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their username and password.
Although we will strive to safeguard the confidentiality of YOUR personally identifiable information, any information transacted over the Internet cannot be made absolutely secure. You also agree that the copying the data by using technology or any other new methods of data misuse/theft cannot be secured by YTM Website and that YTM Website will have no liability for any such act. YTM member understand and agree that YTM Website will have no liability for disclosure of your information due to errors in transmission or unauthorized acts of third parties.
YOU also agree to keep your username and password confidential, to avoid any misuse of YOUR profile at our Website.
Please read and comprehend our Privacy Policy, which also governs your visit to YTM Website, to understand our practices. YTM members agree that their profile(s) may be crawled and indexed by search engines, where YTM Website and its network does not have any control over the search engines behaviour and YTM Website shall not be responsible for such activities of other search engines/third party websites.
YOU agree that, when YOU use third party services through Website, YOU hereby grant YTM the right to share your information needed for providing such third party services to YOU or in relation to processing YOUR information for office use of YTM Website/its payment gateway and/or such third party service providers.
9) Grievance Cell
For any concerns, including violations of terms or inappropriate content, please contact our grievance officer:
- Email:
- Contact Person: Mr. M. Vijayakumar
- Address:
YT Matrimony and Events Management LLP
#232, 5th Cross, H.R.B.R Layout, 3rd Block, Bangalore - 560043
10) Disputes Between Members
a) Truthfulness and Responsibility
- Members are encouraged to provide honest and accurate information about themselves to minimize disputes.
- As both parties involved are registered members, they are bound by the terms and conditions.
b) Role of the Website
- YTM is not a broker, agent, or intermediary between members.
- The website does not participate in or influence communications or outcomes between members.
c) Member Responsibility in Communication
- Members are solely responsible for their interactions through email, chat, or any other form of communication.
- YTM disclaims any liability for transactions, exchanges, or information shared between members.
d) No Obligation to Mediate
- YTM is not obligated to monitor disputes or intervene in conflicts between members.
- The platform will not be involved in any litigation or disputes arising from member interactions.
This section establishes YTM as a neutral platform, placing the responsibility for interactions and dispute resolution on the members themselves. It also clarifies that the platform’s involvement is limited to providing a space for connection without any role in personal or transactional matters.
11. Disputes on Content Rights
- retains ownership of all website content except for user-submitted information and third-party advertisements.
- Users grant the website a worldwide, non-exclusive license to use their submitted content for business purposes.
- YTM reserves the right to monitor, edit, delete, or restrict user content that violates its terms or is inappropriate.
12. Third-Party Websites
- YTM may display third-party advertisements and links but is not responsible for their content or policies.
- Users interact with third-party services at their own risk, and YTM bears no liability for third-party offerings.
13. Limitation of Liability
- disclaims responsibility for:
- Mismatches or outcomes from using the service.
- Incorrect or false information submitted by users.
- Any user interactions or external financial transactions.
- Liability is capped at the amount paid by users for specific packages.
14. General Limitations
- Users are liable for false complaints or misuse of the platform.
- YTM reserves the right to remove profiles violating legal or ethical guidelines.
- Content that is harmful, obscene, defamatory, or infringes on legal rights will be removed.
15. Disclaimer
- Services are provided "as-is" without warranties for quality, performance, or outcomes.
- YTM is not liable for technical issues, cybercrimes, or interactions resulting from user-initiated connections.
16. Indemnity
- Users agree to indemnify YTM against claims or damages arising from improper use of its services.
17. Breach
- YTM can suspend or delete profiles for violations, including false representation, illegal activities, or misconduct.
18. Termination
- Memberships can be terminated by either party with 7 days' notice.
- Upon termination, access to services ceases immediately, but legal obligations may survive termination.
19. Jurisdiction and Law
- All disputes are governed by Indian law under the jurisdiction of courts in Bangalore, Karnataka.
20. Verified Symbol
- YTM offers optional verification for users (identity, employment, social media, etc.).
- Verification symbols are subject to document submission and are revoked if profile details change.
21. Payment Terms
- Payments can be made through various methods in line with RBI guidelines.
- YTM uses third-party gateways and is not liable for gateway errors or refund delays.
22. Renewals
- Paid memberships are non-refundable and cannot be paused.
- Renewal allows users to carry forward unused features but must comply with the original package duration.
These terms establish clear expectations for both and its users. By using the platform, users agree to abide by these terms, ensuring transparency, accountability, and adherence to legal and operational standards. Let me know if you need clarification or a customized version for your website!
Christian Matrimony Media